Sunday 19 December 2010

Our first christmas

Hello and welcome to another episode of "from here and there".

Since "Tis the season to be jolly!" let me share some picture from our first family Christmas in 2008. Up until then , I never celebrated Christmas, but with 2 young kids, I decided to celebrate just  aibt (See the size of our Christmas tree!)

The highlight of the Christmas was the letter from Santa to Kids and the action items for the next year... Keep in mind they were 4 and (almost) 1 that time...


Signing off,


  1. How cute..the best was the letter!...just loved it..Merry Christmas Shilpi

  2. You have brought about the concept of Santa well :)
    Merry Christmas :)

  3. Such a sweet post!

    Shilpa, I just loved the idea of the letter from Santa to the kids with a list of things to do...we plan to start celebrating Christmas from next year for our 2 yr old, and this seems like a very sweet tradition to follow, thanks for the idea.

  4. Super cute....i love your idea'
    hey i am having a giveaway please come join...Deepali


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