Friday, 31 August 2012

My Home, My Haven ~ home tour Sahil

And finally... I got around to showing you this gorgeous home.... Its time for a home tour *smiles*... 

A home is truly a reflection of your heart... 

Introducing : Sahil

My Name is Sahil. I have been in WI for around two years, I recently got married so I am still in the transition of re-decorating and adjusting to the changes in my life, I was in the Design field In Atlanta,Ga... know I am a Wisconsin housewife and with a lot of free time in my hands to re-design, create and decorate my own house which I enjoy a lot. I live in a rental house which It gives me a lot of restrictions but I am still working around them, but i can used a lot of other things to brighten up my space.

The home have  light colored walls which let  experiment with colors and textiles that reflect my  love for Indian beauty and art. I love color, so it is not a set color scheme in my house, today is red tomorrow can be blue... It's a bit of color everywhere.... My house is a collector’s paradise, I love to collect knick knacks and decorative items, I hunt everywhere I go, for things I can add to my collection, Every piece I find is a treasure. Everything in my house I have collected over the years.

I enjoy reading, painting,creating art, drawing and design just to name a few. I have been collecting Buddha’s and Ganesha’s for many years, I have a pretty nice size collection Ganesha’s which few of them are made by me, some as gifts, and some from my travels. I have many of them, that are to me really special and sentimental keepsakes. One of the many Ganesha’s I have it was a wedding gifts from my husband in our wedding day, what a better gift than that?

Let’s start with the Pooja Room...My pooja place is a big area in my second bedroom which this room is my office/pooja room,The Pooja area started as a small corner and with time I keep adding things so know my office area is in a small corner dominated by the Pooja Area.

 My dining area, has a wall unit that i built  to holds many of my Ganesha’s also holds many of the brass items that i have collected throughout the years and a museum like display of Ganesha’s in another wall.  

My Living room is mainly Decorated with Buddha’s from tiny ones to a really big one which is the Focal point of my living room which in from has an aromatic water feature that changes colors.

So tell me... what do you think of this gorgeous home... 


  1. Wow! Love the wall unit you built for your display....very nice house.

    BTW, congratulation on your marriage and have a blessed life.

  2. cool space..and nice collection of buddhas, ganehsas and pretty looking dolls...the huge siva statue is a nice surprise :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. The way you write, you are really a professional blogger.
    You are so cool man, the post on your blogs are super great.


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