Monday 11 June 2012

The Weekly Story ~ wk 82

Hello my lovelies.... Its Monday again... I'm away this week... so I thought I'll leave you with a few 'pink' images of my home... 

I won't be visiting you guys for the next two weeks or so... But do drop by and say 'hello' *smiles* and I promise to catch up with all of you... 

Oh... can you see this pretty incense burner .. We received a wedding invitation in this... Isn't that such an awesome idea...

The last two or three years, the home colours are inspired by the 'lotus' theme.... in all shades of pink.. and a few green surprises...

Yes... I'm sure you know by now... that I've had enough of the pink... and have been dreaming of other colours...

Simply can't decide what the colours should be... teal & green, grey & blues, orange & yellow, mauve & grey .... *sigh*... I don't know.. the choices seam rather endless... 

Oh.. and this little diya from 'Rajee Sood Home' simply fits anywhere in my home... and looks gorgeous... There is so much to buy from her little store... It keeps me occupied for a long, long time.. *smiles*

Oh.. and talking about Oranges... Prachi (my friend at Purple homes) who also blogs at 'Orange Kitchens' has passed on this awesome award my way....

So I'm passing it onwards.... to a few bloggers who have inspired me in the recent past ... Their posts are creative, thought provoking and inspirational....

1. The Sewing Loft
2. Mommy Labs
3. Mama's Little Muse
4. Beneath my heart
5. and an old favourite ~ A wandering mind

So my lovely ladies, if you choose to accept this award, please:
1. Copy and paste the award logo to your blog.
2. Link back to the blogger who gave you the award
3. Choose five of your favorite blogs that deserve to be noticed
4. Leave a message to the chosen five, informing them about the award

Now join ....  'The Weekly Story' linky party ~ open from Monday through Wednesday every week..
  1. Do a post on your blog, about ANYTHING! and it can really be anything – example – a fun recipe you tried out, a craft project, a DIY, a table top, a few candles, coffee with friends or a good book or a movie review… The list is endless… just about ANYTHING… and anything about YOU !! *smiles* ... It can also be 'anything pretty' ...
  2. Original photographs only... No images from other websites or magazines please!! This is about YOU.
  3. Link back to my blog.... only as a courtesy, so we have more people joining the party.
  4. Copy the 'permalink' from your post (not the link to the front page of your blog).
  5. Add your 'permalink' to the 'inlinkz' at the bottom of this post.
  6. Click the link before you. Don’t forget to comment and if you like the blog, please follow!!
Any questions, email me on

Please note, you DO NOT have to be a follower of my blog to join the party.. I'd love to see you here!!

Please grab the Colours Dekor 'The Weekly Story' button!!

Colours Dekor 


  1. Hello Patricia,
    Congratulations with winning the Liebster Blog Award!!

  2. patricia congrats on your achievement..i love the incense burner so much..

  3. Congrats Patty...Beautiful pinks!

  4. Carolyn @ Mama's Little Muse12 June 2012 at 00:26

    Hi Patricia! Thanks for the award! I love this idea! I will "pay it forward"! Lovely blog you have!

  5. Congrats Patty and your home is as lovely as you :-) hugs Anu

  6. Hi Patricia! thanks for the award :)I am surely going to spread the 'love' around :0
    ...and yes pl.note that my blog's name is Beneath my heart...Art
    Thanks again...I am touched!

  7. Love the beautiful pink tea light holder... !!

  8. congrats dears....where i should i link up for this party.

  9. Sigh, Patty you have such a beautiful home. It's been a long time since I went blog hopping, it's always such a pleasure to visit yours. :)


I love to hear from you.... Thank you for leaving me a note!