Friday 22 March 2013

Artist intro ~ Devika

Devika Keskar is an architect turned full time artist living and working in California. You can see more of her work on her Etsy store. She specializes in art work, prints, cards, coasters.. etc.. 

Below are images of some of her work.... 

Over to Devika...

I dream in color!
I have been fascinated with color from an early age and have always surrounded myself with it.
An education and career in the architecture and interior design industry   gave me a deeper understanding of color and the positive effects a good color palette can have on the inhabitants of any space. 
A few years back I started painting with acrylics and ventured into mixed media art.  My paintings are explorations of various media and textures and show my unrestrained obsession with color.  I paint whatever catches my fancy, sometimes a color scheme will compel me to start a painting and at other times an image from nature will.
Being born and raised in India, I have the advantage of having soaked in its rich and multi-colored culture and that very often comes through in my creations most of which are vividly colored and rich in texture.  I very often start a painting with just a color palette in mind and let my creative energy take charge of the canvas.
I have participated in several group shows, art fairs and bazaars in and around the San Francisco bay area as I really enjoy connecting with people and relating the stories behind my creations to those that are curious and I love listening to theirs in turn.

Are you as impressed as I was?? Visit her Etsy Store...and see a portfolio of her work on Devika Keskar .. and then leave me a comment... so I know you were here and you appreciated her work.. *smiles*


  1. Just back from Devika's page and I have to say she is super talented. Love how she has not restricted herself to a single style. Her artwork is inspirational.

    Thanks for sharing Patty!

  2. Very Vibrant and colourful!Just the right kind of post before Holi!

  3. Thanks Patricia..I am honored and flattered to be featured on your lovely blog!
    I love your keep writing and doing what you do so well:)

  4. Devika's work is wonderful! I have several of her wonderful prints! It's been such a pleasure getting to know her through Etsy.

  5. Devika's work is wonderful! I have several of her prints. It's been such a joy getting to know her through Etsy. :)

  6. Devika's work is so vibrant and colorful! She is a very creative person and I too enjoy getting to know her though Etsy.

  7. Beautiful artwork...I love when people follow their heart :)

  8. Brilliant , colorful work !!! All the best to you, Devika !!!

  9. Devika's work is amazingly wonderful.Thanks for sharing Patty,off to Devika's page now :-)



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