Monday, 28 March 2011

Weekend Wrap Up - Wk 24 & a tag

Where did my long weekend disappear?? The week ahead is going to be absolutely manic!! I was off on Thursday... as it was Yva's birthday... She was pleased to see me at home... After a lazy morning, we went for a swim... then wandered off to Cafe Ceramique ... Both girls painted plates... I helped Yva paint hers... Then they got her a little cake... and sang 'happy birthday'... Aaaawww.. my little pumpkin!!
Friday was a gorgeous day as well... I lazed around... And for all those who got excited about the pool on my terrace... this is how it looks... We had an awesome time... *smiles* The gazebo got fixed on Friday... and the Saturday winds have destroyed it again... Thankfully ... its not torn... so I just have to clip it up again... *sigh*... project for the months ahead!!
Saturday... we had the lights off for Earth Hour... It was lovely to sit and talk to the girls about how we can contribute... in our little ways.. and then to see the ideas they have!!
.... so Saturday evening look as gorgeous as this... with candle lights... and lots of laughter!!
this table top is linked to Marty's tabletop party!!
Oh.. and I was tagged by Sweetened by Kagi... and am playing the game... I'm usually horrid at give aways & tags... Most times.. I'm too busy at work and just forget... So if you've tagged me.. and I haven't replied.. I'm sorry! Pls.. leave me one more comment.. and I promise to reply to the tag.. this time.. Promise!! *smiles*
So, go ahead and ask me anything (in the comments section of this blog post). Ask me anything you want and I will answer honestly. (or atleast I'll try!).... Oh.. and please feel free to join in and do this tag... if you do!! post your blog url address so that I can stop by and ask you questions as well *smiles*
Hope you are linking up this weekend... Do a post on your blog about your weekend and more.. and link in here... Can't wait to see you!!


  1. Linked in! :) Love the pool on the terrace, perfect for warm summer days. Happy Birthday to Yva!!

  2. Happy Birthday to Yva...and the pool looks cool!

  3. Happy B'day to Yva!!
    The terrace cool:)

  4. Lovely weekend wrap up. Looks like you had a relaxing time with the family.

  5. Linked in. cool cool post . Girls are going to have a blast in the pool on the terrace

  6. Ahh...what a weekend. The pool looks inviting and I can imagine you sitting in the glowing light talking to your family:):) Happy birthday to Yva.

  7. What!!! Nobody aske du a q!!! Lemme do the honours then ~~ When When When r u gona do the honours of dropping in at ma place :-D.

  8. Wow...colours are d best!!

    My question:

    How come I see you so actively multi-tasking with so many things...ur lovely blog, work, home and kids..?


I love to hear from you.... Thank you for leaving me a note!