Tuesday 2 November 2010

A cosy weekend with my son ~~ Shanthi

Over to Shanthi~~
After that hectic Bollywood weekend it was great to curl up on the sofa and have a relaxing weekend now. It was a great mamma – son’s weekend with better-half in India and daughter in the Univ. Friday both of us set out to a movie – The social network – abt the Facebook in the making . He belongs to the facebook generation and hence it was his first choice. Facebook is such an integral part of their lives today, that someone rightly said - to keep in contact with the kids one needs to be on the facebook :-) Grey and gloomy weather on Saturday saw us in a mall and I was trying to get some Halloween ideas. Surprisingly Norway does not have the Halloween fever and neither me. So I will show you how close I got to the theme. My first ever Halloween Pumpkin – Last year on the 31st ( 31st Oct 2009 will be a blog post soon)
This orange colour brought so much warmth into the house -
Fished out my rugged wooden fruit bowl that served as a pefect base for the setting...
My Lantern was there too to add the rustic touch!
My son (14 Yrs) plans and makes one dinner a week of his choice and totally from scratch :-) . Doesn’t this look delicious. I had to bribe him to put this pic on the blog *smiles*
We had a special guest Silas (our neighbour’s 3 yr old son)
Sunday was very bright and sunny and we set out to catch the last glimpses of the autumn . This walk needs a post by itself . Stay tuned and I will take you on an autumn walk soon.
Thank you Shanthi for joining the Weekend Wrap Up.... The link is open from Monday for three days... So on and join the fun... I'm hoping to see you all there.. Have a lovely week ahead... my lovelies... *smiles*


  1. Awesome Pics Shanthi !! I'm very proud to hear that you are encouraging your son to be helpful in the kitchen and motivating him to cook...well done !! Yup the pic does look scrumptious :)

  2. Very nice pictures, so neat .. Happy Halloween..
    Hope you can drop me a line thru my email reanact(at)gmail(dot)com



  3. It's great that your son is cooking!! It looks delish. And your weekend looks like a lot of fun too.... :)

  4. Great atmosphere in there :)

  5. Shanti - That sounds like a fun weekend. Loved the sneak peek into the autumn walk, can't wait to see more pics. That's definitely one thing I miss out here in Dallas.

  6. Sounds like a nice mom son weekend! Those are always fun! And I keep saying this - there is something lovely about the light in your country! It just seems so much more golden and warmer...just bathes your wonderful pics in a golden glow! And yes, I did get to meet your better half.....very nice person :-)

  7. Love the gourds by candlelight!

  8. Such lovely Halloween decorations.the dinner sure looks yummy.wishing you and your family a beautiful and happy festive season ahead.

  9. Nice mom and son bonding happening there.Lovely dinner cooked by your son, it really looks delicious, and neat too. Enjoy!


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