Friday 25 October 2013

some Halloween fun

Orange makes me happy. Although this time around, I dont have much orange at home... I've gone to blues and purples... but the random orange light.. always bring a smile... 

And Halloween always does that.. spooky as it seems... 

So last weekend, around the Eid holidays, opening up old boxes of decor and arranging them around the house... was such a stress buster *smiles*

Do you like these bats? The girls cut them and coloured them last year.. I just saved them :)

Oh.. and this is my new find... from Home Center.. Orange bottles of happiness.. 

So tell me what you think..... of the bats on my wall... LOL


  1. I hope you are doing well the bats and the new bottle candle holder and is that paper lantern on the side is DIY?

  2. Hi Patricia...i am back from a very long absence from blogosphere....How are you? The bats and the halloween tableau are really cute. Do drop by at blog - i had to change the name and other things because of viral attack. Do drop by at and check out my Diwali posts. Will keep dropping by...


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