Thursday 27 September 2012

A makeover story ~ Sumathi

Another unique makeover story to share with you today.... 

Over to Sumathi ~

We just moved to this new home 4 months back .. Few rooms/walls in my house are yet to be furnished/done and would like to do that in slow-evolving phase rather than impulse finish-do…. I love to decorate and rearrange things in my house. I don't really like to fill too many things(photos/paintings) and minimal/functional would be my choice....
Living room - I have kept “Orange” theme which happens to be my favorite color
Uruli filled with flowers bloomed in my garden really do charge me up …I feel everyone should experience the pleasure/joy of  growing atleast one plant/tree and delight that u get when they bloom/grow..

My home is not definitely “picture-perfect” always as u get to see in magazines/sites and have been used to clutter which my 2 boys make (including me). I can’t sleep without chanting my heavy daily dose of “clean-up …clean-up….Cllllllllllean up “  mantra to my boys !!!

I like the little jharoka on this wall... What do you like??

... and if you've got a makeover to share... email me on 


  1. Stunning and beautiful setup. Ganesha is very cute with all flowers decked up. Greenery in living room is so refreshing


  2. wow it is pretty. Especially the hanging lamps in the garden.

  3. Stunning beautiful living room. Do u get Jharoka with Ganesha imprint. Indoor garden within living looks great

  4. i like your blog so much and love your ideas


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