Monday 3 October 2016

Harry Potter Birthday Party 1

This is long overdue...

The Harry Potter themed Birthday party for my teenage Potter mad child...  took weeks of preparations... This was a surprise birthday party and she didn't have a clue all this was happening in the back ground.

As usual, my cousins got together to make this occasion a memorable one.... 

Simone will remember this forever.. and so will the rest of us... 

Here is how we put the Harry Potter theme together... 

Entrance to platform 9 ¾ for Hogwarts Express was recreated - using a maroon colour table cloth & white tape...

The kids were sent off to our little store room to receive their own letters of acceptance to Hogwarts...

 The letters were hanging off helium balloons with owls stuck on them to make the delivery look as real as possible.

One of the broom sticks (sorry no complete pic)

As they entered Diagon Alley, Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions was waiting... Each girl picked up a robe.. and walked onwards...

The robes were stitched by my aunt... Shes simply fabulous... 

The potions table was filled with bottles of all sizes, with all sorts of potions and a label to identify the potions too ...

No prizes for guessing that everything that we could use at home... was here... 

The bottle stickers were created on photoshop... This was so much fun!! 

One more look at the Potions table... The kids had such a fantastic time.... clicking pictures of all this.. 

Ollivander's Wand Shop is the sole wand shop of Diagon Alley. 

Remember... The wand chooses the wizard... 

The wands were handmade with chopsticks & glue... Thanks to one of my cousins!! 

Loads more pictures in the next post... I bet you can't wait... *smiles*

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