Friday 17 December 2010

'Tis the Season...

Warm Welcomes...What is it that you love most about this season? ...I love the lights, the fabulous decorations, setting the Christmas tree, parties, the time away from work and getting to be with family and friends, the gift wrapping, giving and receivng,...This is probably the only time in the year, that I drive slowly and try to catch a glimpse of the twinkling lights on a beautifully decorated Christmas tree through a living room window, or the light display and decorations on a lawn...Some are classy, some tacky, and some are so incredibly beautiful, that it makes one come back year after year. Sharing some light displays in my neighbood...
...dont you love the SUV with the colourful lights and the antlers...:-)
Enjoy the season and stay warm...
-Anu Somanath


  1. loved the festivities there last year, thanks for reviving great memories! Happy festivities Anpu! :)

  2. Anpu, you brought back my memories of last year, I was there in Maryland enjoying the festive season and talking non stop with dear sis.The spirit of the lights is so empowering, it makes one feel that the world is so beautiful.

  3. Beautiful!!!
    Have a nice weekend.

  4. Hey there!!!

    Your blog has really caught my attention...
    I also love the colors displayed on the roads throughout the festival season.. its just mesmerizing. an instant uplifter of the mood :)

  5. Beautiful! My favorite time of the winters. Have a great Holiday season.


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