Friday 9 August 2013

at the Assaha village

Anu & I have been friends for years now... We work together and she knows my little heart... She supports me in all the little mad things I do... at work.. and even off work... She'll wake up at 5 am to be at Terry Fox ... year on year.. and I know I dont say this often... but I truly love her.. and admire her... She knows why I admire her.. she is a very strong person..

anyway.. moving on...

So when Anu landed up in Kuwait.. and was taken to this awesome place called the Assaha Restaurant for dinner .. she clicked a million photographs for me... *smiles*.. 

Didn't I say.. she knows my heart... 

The interiors of this place is old style... authentic arabic / middle eastern... 

The Concept of this stunning place :

Abu Ahmad, this villager who built his experience on wandering between villages and cities, spreading his village’s aroma as “yards” around the globe, holding this issue as a message of fildelity, raising it as a slogan and confirming it as an identity, is building his dream by stone, and narrating stories in a different way, turning the pages of history with a varied rich heritage. Abu Ahmad, our Lebanese arab village globetrotter, held his saddlebage, full of goods for a new village, or a new “saha” (yard), and he laid down the rules in Kuwait longing in it to the squares of his childhood, where Kuwait is the hometown of the idea-maker, the designer and the executer of the project,and Kuwait was his first launch in the paths of life, to return back to where he left it, not to mention being a country of civilization, openness, development, and elegance... in addition to his unforgetable friendships and memories there...and because it is “Kuwait”, the meeting point and the axis of cooperation and goodness, for her embrace of our brothers and relatives that left their fingerpints in Lebanon generally, and in “al-mabarrat charitable association establishments” specifically, and they had a special rank in the heart of the late “assayed mohammad hussein fadlullah”, for their blessed efforts and being on the top of the goodness and giving list... And in Kuwait, Assaha-Lebanese Traditional Village stood as a witness on time, as her elder sisters did in Lebanon, Qatar, Sudan, and London... without forgetting the renewal of the pledge and covenant to travel to new worlds...

Thats Anu posing for me.. *smiles*... 

And... what I totally loved... The stable is the parking lot, the restaurant is the home

I'll leave you now.. with images of this stunning place... 

Hop over and see if there is a branch near you... Assaha Lebanese.. 

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful place, Pat. Thanks to Anu for clicking all these pictures. Bless you friends!


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