Friday 5 March 2010

Tinker & Pirate party

Me & my party company… *wink* have organised a ‘tinker bell’ party before, so this one was a walk through….. Except… we did ‘tinker & Potter’ and this time around thought ‘tinker & pirates’ were more appropriate… Yvonne’s 5th birthday celebration… here is the card – Tinker everywhere….
Tinker piñata… with the wands in the background.. The girls made the wands…
The girls transformed into fairies… with wings & wands...
The pirate costumes…
The boys looked amazing… and were even given swords at the end..
The cake… had tinker sitting on top…

Some decoration…
We experimented with a dessert table… that looked awesome!! More pictures on another post….
The cup cakes were splendid…!! So contact me for cupcake orders in Dubai….
The tote bags….
The girls contributed by drawing on the tote bags… sticking the ‘thank you’ notes… and even sprinkling some pixie dust…
All in all… a lovely party.. The kids had fun and so did we… Look at the other parties we’ve organised – Flip-flop theme birthday & Dora the explorer theme party!! Don’t forget to leave your comments… I just love to hear from you!!


  1. This is so amazing. Its like a dream world for the kids. very cute. Thank you posting the pictures Patricia.

  2. That's so wonderful dear. You really had a wonderful party. Oh I missed the date. My belated wishes to dear Yve.

    Everything is wonderful. ..

    I wish I have a Party like this. I love the care you take on every single detail.. Children are really blessed

    Lovely mom

  3. How lovely..wish you were closer..would love to get birthday party ideas. I guess I could bother you on email :-) Amazing cake and lovely decor. Happy birthday again..

  4. Heavens Pat - you should seriously get into the childrens' theme party business. And those cupcakes - they looked so good!

    Congrats on another successful kiddy party!

  5. I love the idea. it is lovely. and ofcourse cute post as usuall

  6. What fun! And what a lovely theme for a party!

  7. Ok, now this is decided: you're planning my child's (whenever I have one) party! You're so good at this!

  8. I agree, tinker and pirates is a great theme! Looks like the kids really got into it!

  9. O lovely!!! Theme party...that looks just fabulous:)

  10. Nice theme... the cake looks lovely, so dot he fairy wings and pirate eyes :)
    Wish I too were a small girl now, attending this party.

  11. this fab or what?I loveeeeeeeeeee this..the cake is beautiful and so are the cupcakes..I have been lurker ..have had you on my reader for more than a month now..but I had to comment on this post..:D Beautiful!I am sure Yvonne was one happy princess!
    I am planning my daughter's 3rd and she wants a scooby party..:D even if i come up with something half as creative..I will be happy.
    sorry for the long comment.

  12. something for you here-

  13. wow my dear pat! thats one heluuva birthday party!!!!!!!!seriously u should start this as a profession! u have the talent! my god! absolutely beautiful...everything is perfect to the T.

  14. what a pretty the wings n the wands...n ofcourse the cake n the cute cupcakes...great work Pats ;)

  15. Ohhhhhhhhhh i love this theme. I'm going to shamelessly copy this for my daughter's bday in sept theme if its ok with u.

  16. Love them! The wands especially

    *dropping in from Shruti's Mindful Meanderings


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