Thursday 7 April 2011

Easter Craft : Handcrafted Stuffed Duck

It's going to be Easter soon !! Since I am Hindu and we don't celebrate Easter, I had to do a bit of reading up about the festival and what the significance is. Keeping in line with Patty's request to do an Easter themed craft post, I set about thinking of the ideas I could recreate the best with what I had lying around the house. I had a lot of yellow foam left behind with me post the Spongebob project!! The best way to use it would be either to make a chick or a duck. I went with the latter and here are snippets from my crafting :):):)
I thoroughly enjoyed making it - I would rate it as medium on the difficulty level because stitching up foam is not easy, and that too with blanket stitches. This took up almost an hour and a half [or maybe it's because I took a few breaks to hang around my attention-seeker of a son :P]
I drew a duck pattern on a doubled up sheet of foam and then cut it out so that we'd have the front and the back of the bird all ready.
Here's how it looks like when I separated the two pieces.
I then proceeded to do a blanket stitch on the edges of the duck to complete it. You can google if you don't know what a blanket stitch is all about [I've also left a link here which was on a site I found on]. We learned it in Home Science class, and since then it's my most favourite stitch to use when I'm mending a tear.
And here is a pic of the stitch, not very neat but good enough for a home craft project :D or so I guess. When you go around with the stitch, make sure you leave a fair bit of space so that you can invert the pattern inside duck before you stuff it.
Before stitching it up, don't forget to add the eye - here I've used a button which added to the cute-factor ;-) This was taken before I stuffed the duck, and that's why it's lying flat.
I had some old faded baby socks lying around which I used to stuff the duck.
And it's done !!! Doesn't she look adorable? I loved it and so did my son Samarth !! I had originally intended it to be just a piece of decor but now I think I'll let him play with it if he wants coz he just loves it! :)
Happy Easter !! - and all those of you who are celebrating, I'm expecting a chocolate egg in the courier ;-) don't forget!!


  1. Just adorable I think this is so cute!!

    Art by Karena

  2. This is really cute Urmila! - do link this to our Spring/ Summer carnival which also accepts Easter decor ideas.


  3. Good stuff Urmi! Very sweet :-) Happy Easter in advance.
    - Harshi

  4. Very sweet of you to post Easter Decor.. Urmi.. I truly appreciate your efforts.. Thank you.. so so much.. for being a part of my blog!! :-)

  5. awww thanks everyone!!

    @patty : you inspire me to think out-of-the-box!! : ) it's only thanks to you and your beautiful blog that i am utiizing my potential...cant thank u enuf !! :)

  6. @Sharon, I have linked to your blog's carnival :) thanks!

  7. Sooooooooooooooo sweeeeeeeeeeet. A good start for easter theme.

  8. Very cute and I love the yellow:):) Looks cuddly too, no wonder your son loves it.

  9. Absolutely adorable, thanks for linking in our carnival, Urmi.

  10. Aww, that's simply adorable! I'm dreadful with stitches, but you've inspired me now: )

    Great Easter craft post Urmi- high five!
    : D

  11. Thank you very much Rekha, your blog is way too beautiful !! :)

    Rose - thank you vhery vhery much :) and a high five back atcha!! :D


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