Thursday 19 May 2011

Floral Wall Art

I visited Mumbai last week, after a whole one and a half years !! Tough to believe, but true! I was there for my husband's cousin's wedding - it was so refreshing to be amidst all the cousins and folks :) For the first time I found peace in chaos, literally - quite strange, coming from a person who highly values and loves her personal space :P
I had the wall art decoration plan on my mind for a very long time but I'm quite glad that I was able to achieve it in a span of couple of days.. working for random snatches of time each day. I wish I had clicked pics as I was drawing and creating it, but well - this is what I have :) :)
I decorated this particular wall, which is at the entrance to our apartment in Mumbai, where my inlaws live currently. This particular wall was looking quite plain and I thought it was time to liven it up a bit. I thought up the design and also drew it in a matter of half n hour. The painting and shading bit is what took ages, resulting in severely sore arms :P
A natural setting...
Rich with vibrant colours
From a different angle
And finally, from the angle that it looks the best!!
I just loved the final effect. Worth every sore muscle, and every minute of my time and passion spent!! What did you feel?


  1. Though the photo isn't very clear one could make out that its really beautiful...very colourful with all those flowers and butterflies... ideal for kids' room.
    Gr8 job, Urmila!

  2. Oh Urmi... this is truly lovely... Its gorgeous!! I love how its so colourful.. and flowers and butterflies always bring a smile on my face.. Well done!!

  3. Nice Urmi! Sure Samarth loved all the colours and flowers! :-)

  4. Urmi, This looks beautiful..

    New to ur space and following u :)

    Do visit me as time permits

  5. It looks amazing!!

  6. nice pain. must get a lots of complement in your home itself.

  7. yeh its really nice. i wish i could draw such like in my home as well.


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