Saturday 13 August 2011

Kathmandu ~ day 3 & 4

One of the most beautiful places in Kathmandu is Bhaktapur. The main three places in Bhaktapur City, is Durbar Square, Taumadhi Square and Pottery Square.

The monumental remnants is surely the pride of this city. The superb artefacts and subtle culture vividly depict stories of a living heritage.

Beyond the city’s rich architectural heritage, everyday life carries on… in the streets of this city!! Bhaktapur is a ‘living heritage’ displaying the vibrant depth of the Newari culture.

“Were there nothing else in Nepal save the Durbar Square of Bhatgoan, it would still be aptly worth making a journey half way round the globe to see”

~ E.A. Powell

(The last home of Mystery) 1929, London.

From here we drove to Nagarkot. At an altidute of 2165m, Nagarkot is a village perched on a ridge for its panoramic view of the Himalayas. The name literally means ‘Fort of the city’ and its strategic location on the ancient trade route between Tibet and Kathmandu played a significant role in controlling movement into the valley.

Sadly, the weather did not permit us to see the sunset or the sunrise view.. I’ll have to come back to see that!!

At Nagarkot we stayed at the Club Himalaya Nagarkot Resort, which is a lovely place. In Kathmandu, we stayed at the Hyatt Regency, which is an excellent place, with friendly staff and awesome food. Yes! I’ll be going to Kathmandu again, there are a few more palaces and Buddhist monasteries that I didn’t visit.. So, I’ll be going back to check visit!!

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